Arwa Shurab

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Arwa Shurab Founder

About The Founder

Arwa is a Palestinian woman who is deeply committed to supporting the Palestinian cause. Arwa is dedicated to raising awareness and advocating for the rights and aspirations of the Palestinian people. Arwa has a Master of Arts in Global Leadership. She is a certified Life Coach (CLC) and a Master Certified Life Coach (MCLC). Arwa is a leadership coach that is dedicated to empowering women in remote areas who may not even recognize their position of leadership. She is a guiding light in their journey of self-discovery and growth. With deep empathy and understanding, Arwa recognizes the potential within these women and helps them unearth their innate leadership qualities. Through group and personalized coaching sessions, Arwa gently guides them towards recognizing their unique strengths, building their self-confidence, and embracing their authentic voices. By providing a safe and supportive space, Arwa fosters an environment of trust, allowing these women to explore their leadership potential and expand their horizons. With patience and dedication, Arwa helps these women develop the necessary skills, mindset, and strategies to overcome challenges, navigate barriers, and step into their leadership roles with purpose and conviction. Through Arwa’s guidance, these women in remote areas begin to realize their true leadership potential and become catalysts for change within their families and communities.

about us

Harnessing and Empowering Remarkable Women's Voices in Leadership


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